Thursday, September 13, 2007

really amazingly small talk

This morning found me at the coffee cart, pondering the various donut options to go with my french roast, and I saw that they had cups of carrots and celery on offer. The part of me that thinks I'll have cardiac problems in later life liked this idea, and the part of me that would like to be in better shape also applauded, and the part of me in charge of the digestive tract and regularity probably also said something, but all I heard was a sort of gurgling sound.

A ten ounce plastic cup of carrots and celery evidently runs $2.49 + tax. I'm not that hard up for money that this killed me, but what the fuck Davis? This town really is rich and green. Almost makes me want to bring a lunch, if I weren't so damn lazy.


The Roumbaniseses said...

wow. time to brown bag it, my friend.

Unknown said...

...good thing the part of you that makes smart decisions finally dusted all that sand off (and out)to take charge. :)